Thursday, February 7, 2008

Oh the joy..

Of being young! Aren't these kiddo's just so darn cute!! Mindy ordered loads and loads and loads of samples for her shows that she is doing and did her own pic's too..I am still working on editing them for the site..but wanted to show some off. Totally sweet little joyful babes! Love em!! Loads and loads of smiles...don't they make you smile..they make me smile!


p.s..we are storming tonight..I am hoping the power stays on so we (I..Mona is off) can work tomorrow..well maybe secretly I am hoping for a power outage because I have a batch of hungarian goulash in the crockpot that is making the house smell delicious and I have the kite runner to read that my mama sent over..but really I want to work..really! I am hoping it won't be too bad..I have this tree that is leaning and has a split..a really really big tree..I will take a pic tomorrow..I hope that tree decides to stay upright tonight!

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