Saturday, October 27, 2007

Been Tagged...yikes!!

I never thought I would ever be tagged...seriously..and what to say..oh gosh! Thanks Becca..brat!

So here goes the rules and hmmmm.

Here are the rules which you must abide by if you are tagged:

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.

2. Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird.

3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).

4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.

Becca.... Fresh Fruit tagged me......

1. I used to be a go go dancer at a club in Riverside California..I was 18 and much cuter! We wore these little gold lame hot pants and black tank was a blast! I loved that place.

2. When I was 13 years old my parents sent me to Europe to spend the summer with relatives..I took off for a weekend from Austria and took the train to Paris by myself..I wandered around eating bread and drinking coffee and as I was walking past a market this guy Gavin asked if he could be my guide so I spent the next 2 days hanging out with him taking produce to all the farmer's markets..that was a super fun journey. I will NOT send my kid anywhere at 13 by parents were loco!

3. My best friend died last year..she was an alcoholic. The last time I spent anytime with her was when I was pregnant and I could barely stand being around her because she smelled so bad. I saw her last year for 3 days when her mom contacted me and I flew down to say was the most surreal experience..she was at her grandma's (a place that we used to be kids and have huge dreams) and here she was dying. I feel like she freed herself from a life that was never easy for her. I talk to her more now than I have in years.

4. I have a tattoo on my back..and used to have a mohawk that I would dye all sorts of pretty colors..what was I thinking!

5. I am remodeling my myself. This month I am drywalling my living room. I buy books and read how to's and then do it. So far I haven't destroyed too much..well my hubby thinks I have but too bad!

6. I read magazines from the back to the front. Don't have a clue why..just do.

7. I LOVE my life...I love living on an island surrounded by great big tree's and every night I walk outside to check on the stars. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my husband..I think he is smart, funny and down right HOT. I also love the fact that he works in LA because everytime he comes home we are like newlyweds...and that is fun! I LOVE my kiddo..she is hilarious and she makes me crack up. I also LOVE to work..I am a total workaholic and I am perfectly okay with that. I don't miss the big couldn't drag me away from my island!

So there goes some random stuff about me...

I am tagging..


Have fun girls! Sheila


Becca said...

Aw! Sheila! Thanks for responding to your tag so quickly! I was hoping to read more about you and kind of get to know you a little better before we move out there, but what I got was so much more! Thanks for the little peak into the amazing person that you are! I like you even more now! LOL!

Sheree said...

Okay, I have been triple tagged, so I will play along. :) Later today or tomorrow.

And you are such an interesting lady. I can't even believe you are redoing your house by yourself. I want to visit you on that island--it just looks dreamy!


Justin said...

Hey there Baby!!! I so love that you said you think Im Smart. See I knew you knew I was smart. even when you think I just spout off random "man knowledge". you know.. the things that I know for no apparent reason, but just do? you never know when its going to come in handy. LOL

love you..

Hey I was smart enough to bag you want I? HMMMMM?

love me


Nickie said...

A go-go dancer, Europe at age 13 by yourself, remodeling your house by are killing me. You are a very interesting person! I knew you were intesting in High School but I had no idea:)