Monday, April 21, 2008


This is the first outfit in my newest knit line..I was trying so hard to not share or sell any before I have a few other pieces to put on the site..but I just couldn't help myself! It is available on ebay right now..on the site soon..probably Wednesday if I can get my you know what together! More designs coming in the next few weeks..I am playing a bit with these so want them to be perfect!

Jane did it again with her pic's! Super yummy sweet!! Thanks Jane!!

On the homefront..score 1 for mama..I chatted with the school today and there will be consequences for those meanies..I am going to call and follow up next monday...Thank you everyone that emailed made me feel like I had a huge amount of support behind me and made me stronger..our kiddo's should never be bullied by anyone!

Have a fab day!!


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